- acid denaturation
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English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Denaturation (biochemistry) — This egg s protein has undergone denaturation and loss of solubility, caused by the high rise of the temperature of the egg during the cooking process. Denaturation is a process in which proteins or nucleic acids lose their tertiary structure and … Wikipedia
denaturation — See denaturant. * * * Biochemical process modifying a protein s natural configuration. It involves breaking many weak (hydrogen and hydrophobic) bonds (see bonding) that maintain the protein s highly ordered structure. This usually results in… … Universalium
denaturation — (de na chur a shun) A change in the shape of an enzyme that destroys its activity; the term is also applied to changes in nucleic acid shape … Dictionary of microbiology
denaturation — The process of becoming denatured. * * * de·na·tur·ation (.)dē .nā chə rā shən n the process of denaturing * * * n. the changes in the physical and physiological properties of a protein that are brought about by heat, X rays, or chemicals. These… … Medical dictionary
denaturation — Describes the conversion of DNA from the double stranded to the single stranded state; separation of the strands is most often accomplished by heating. A change in the molecular structure of globular proteins that may be induced by bringing a… … Forensic science glossary
Nucleic acid thermodynamics — is the study of the thermodynamics of nucleic acid molecules, or how temperature affects nucleic acid structure. For multiple copies of DNA molecules, the melting temperature (Tm) is defined as the temperature at which half of the DNA strands are … Wikipedia
DNA denaturation — DNA denaturation, also called DNA melting, is the process by which double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid unwinds and separates into single stranded strands through the breaking of hydrogen bonding between the bases. Both terms are used to refer… … Wikipedia
nucleic acid — /nooh klee ik, klay , nyooh /, Biochem. any of a group of long, linear macromolecules, either DNA or various types of RNA, that carry genetic information directing all cellular functions: composed of linked nucleotides. [1890 95; NUCLE(US) + IC;… … Universalium
Proteinogenic amino acid — Proteinogenic amino acids are those amino acids that can be found in proteins and require cellular machinery coded for in the genetic code [1] of any organism for their isolated production. There are 22 standard amino acids, but only 21 are found … Wikipedia
Hypochlorous acid — Hypochlorous acid … Wikipedia
Nucleic acid hybridization — Hybridization is the process, discovered by Alexander Rich, of combining complementary, single stranded nucleic acids into a single molecule. Nucleotides will bind to their complement under normal conditions, so two perfectly complementary… … Wikipedia